Dwimmermount Session 1: In Which a Wizard Is Mugged

My lovely wife asked me to run a game for some of her friends from work, so I decided to run ACKS Dwimmermount. Most of this first session was taken up by character creation. The campaign background I sent the players is repeated below, followed by the first session actual play report.


All your life, you have lived in the shadow of Dwimmermount. Carved into this great peak which towers over your homeland is a vast, ancient, magical, subterranean fortress, which is also called Dwimmermount. For hundreds—perhaps thousands—of years, Dwimmermount served as a center for magical research, and as a stronghold for the succession of empires which rose and fell in this region. Dwimmermount fell two centuries ago, when a rebel uprising culminated in a mysterious cataclysm that sealed the dungeon off from the outside world.

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